12 Easy to Find Medicinal Plants of Meghalaya

Looking back at my childhood, one of my earliest recollections of a very popular medicine was Anacin. Any time anyone in the family or within earshot of my father (a self-professed chemist) complained of a headache, he would immediately pull out a strip of the tablets and hand them out! Looking in deeper, I found that Anacin has been around and in use since 1916. And that got me thinking what would people have done before Anacin was invented?

What about Paracetamol or Vicks VapoRub? And that’s when it occurred to me that these and many other so-called modern day medicines are but polished and packaged versions of traditional medicines. And they were all derived from medicinal plants, which were also a source of nourishment for our ancestors.

And that brings me to Northeast India, which as a region accounts for 40% of the country’s flora! So it is no wonder that the people of the region have learnt how to use this abundance not only for nourishment but also for the treatment of ailments and diseases.

Meghalaya, one of the Northeastern states of India has a rich plant treasure whose potential is yet to be recognized and unleashed. Some of those are rare and unique that can be found only in a few places in the world. The hilly terrain, rainfall and climatic conditions of this beautiful place are favourable for the growth of many of these plants where they thrive and grows in the wild.

Traditional healers of Meghalaya have been using these herbs and plants for treating various ailments. These natural remedies work till today and sought after by people across the world when they have given up on modern medicines.

Let's look at a few medicinal plants of Meghalaya that the tribes have been using for ages.

Download a copy of the 54 medicinal plants & herbal remedies of Meghalaya.

Here's My List of 12 Medicinal Plants of Meghalaya

I selected these plants because they are commonly used by the people of Meghalaya for every-day food and health purposes.

1. Potent Medicinal Ginger

Botanical name: Zingiber rubens

Local name: Sying makhir (Khasi), Iching (Garo)

Part used: Rhizome

Used for: Malaria, fever, cough and cold, blood pressure

Here are some traditional uses of Ing makhir ginger.

2. Carambola

Botanical name: Averrhoa carambola

Local name: Soh pyrshong (Khasi) Amilenga (Garo)

Part used: Fruit

Used for: Treat jaundice, gallstone and malaria

3. Galangal

Botanical name: Kaempfieria galanga

Local name: Sying khmoh (Khasi), Wakpatra (Garo)

Part used: Tubers

Used for: indigestion, food poisoning, rheumatism, mouth ulcers

4. Long Pepper

Botanical name: Piper longum

Local name: Sohmarit khlaw

Part used: Seeds

Used for: cough and sore throat

Read more on how long pepper is traditionally used by the locals of Meghalaya as a natural remedy.

5. Begonia Josephii

Botanical name: Begonia Josephii

Local name: Jajew

Part used: Whole plant

Used for: diarrhea and blood dysentery

6. Buckwheat

Botanical name: Fagopyrum esculentum

Local name: Jarain (Khasi)

Part used: Leave

Used for: high blood pressure and constipation

7. Centella or Gotu kola

Botanical name: Centella asiatica

Local name: Khlieng syiar (Khasi & Pnar)

Part used: Whole plant

Used for: stomach ache, diarrhea, acidity

Here are 8 health benefits associated with Gotu kola.

8. Gaultheria

Botanical name: Gaultheria fragrantissima

Local name: La thynriat (Khasi)

Part used: Leaves

Used for: rheumatoid arthritis, body ache and migraine

9. Indian Bael

Botanical name: Aegle marmelos

Local name: Soh bel (Khasi), Selpri (Garo)

Part used: Barks, leaves, seeds, and fruits

Used for: indigestion, heart diseases, diarrhea and dysentery

10. Chameleon Plant

Botanical name: Houttuynia cordata

Local name: Jamyrdoh (Khasi), Macha duribak (Garo)

Part used: Whole plant

Used for: treatment of cholera, dysentery and blood purification

11. Polygonum

Botanical Name: Polygonum muricatum

Local name: Jabuit (Khasi)

Parts used: Leaf

Used for: diarrhea

12. Fiscus Auriculata

Botanical Name: Fiscus Auriculata

Local name: Lapong

Parts used: Stem, Leaf, and fruit

Used for: cholera, diarrhea and vomiting.

Do you know of any other plant that is easily available and used for home remedies? Let us know.

Our store has a variety of healthy products which use fruits, plants and herbs native to Meghalaya.

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