Turmeric – A Miraculous Indian Spice

Quick Glance on Turmeric!

Turmeric (Curcuma longa) adds up to the long list of unique Indian spices and its diverse richness and has been valued since time immemorial in India for food flavoring, coloring and therapeutic uses. The tuberous rhizomes or underground stems of turmeric have been used as a condiment, dye and as an aromatic stimulant for medicinal purposes. India is the largest producer of turmeric in the world.

Turmeric from Meghalaya stands out owing to its high curcumin content Lakadong variety. In one of its exploratory missions, team Zizira reached a village growing high curcumin turmeric in Meghalaya. So what’s special about the Lakadong variety? To start with, the farmers growing Lakadong have been following traditional farming methods for generations, which does NOT include the use of artificial fertilizers or pesticides.

Adding to that, we were also told that this turmeric variety has twice as much curcumin level than normal turmeric varieties. For now, we share with you some insights on turmeric, its distribution and varieties.

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