Story of Zizira – Plan to Process Small Batches Yes, Zizira plans to source, process and sell small batches of products. This allows us to focus on the quality of a handful of products at a time.
Story of Zizira – We Learn from Our Failures Here is the next part of the story of Zizira. We Learnt from a Failure I gave you the background; spoke about why we diversified into agricultural ...
Story of Zizira - Why the ‘Discovery’ Theme? This series of posts – called the ‘Story of Zizira’ are extracted from my 2016 year-end notes covering the journey so far about Zizira, our one-year-old venture. What we have covered so far: Background Why Chillibreeze diversified and that too into agricultural products? Why we need to open markets for Meghalaya farmer
Story of Zizira – What was our Product Selection Strategy? Creating unique products that would sell online was a crucial next step. Want to know the Product selection strategy I chalked out?
Story Of Zizira - Why We Need To Open Markets For Farmers Will the Story of our Experiences Help? This story evolved as I sat down to record our experiences and learnings from Zizira. As I started to, I fo...
Apiculture Mission - Helping Meghalaya Farmers Explore Beekeeping Profitably You might be familiar with the word Beekeeping! In short, it is the practice of maintaining honey bee by humans. Why keep bees when they sting? Bee...
Explorers: Team Zizira Searching for Unique Herbs and Spices Team Zizira is a Team of 'Explorers' This is a realization that has struck us as the team went out on its field visits, did its research ...
Story of Zizira – Learn Why Chillibreeze Diversified into Agricultural Products Want to walk with me as I share with you the story behind Zizira? As promised in my earlier post, there could be value in sharing our experiences. ...
Peek into Pages from my Start-up Journal I was taking stock of the year 2016 gone by for Zizira and started to write down my thoughts on our experiences, our explorations, our deeper under...
Can we Create an Online Farmers Market in Meghalaya? It was a routine day for the Zizira explorers – one team busy writing up reports on visits, another planning on the next field visits when a...
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